Monday, September 26, 2011

Mid-sem break

Today has been my first chance to relax since semester started really.
I rearranged my room to fit in the fridge Tez picked up for me, napped, went for a stroll.

My week has been hectic to say the least. Went out Wednesday night after a long day of drinking, ran into one of my friends I haven't seen or talked to for five year who was singing there and drank way too much. I got a text at one in the morning saying how lovely it was to meet me etc etc from a guy I had no memory of talking to or getting a number off.
Thursday we hit up Oh Snap, I remained sober as I had an assignment due the next day which I had hardly started and when we got back at like two I wasn't tired at all! Win, got my game back. I've been so tired the last few weeks, it's been horrible. Sleeping at every chance I get. So I was up until about 3:30 doing that and finished it off in the morning.
Friday night was Tav times, so I was incredibly drunk before 6, and we went parkour-ing round UWA with my uni friends and Tez.
Saturday I went out to see my sister, who is now living back in Perth after about 6 years in England. It was an early night.
Sorry, sounds like I back to just reciting drunken times.

I'm off to drink cask wine and watch Titanic.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Oh dear, it's been almost a month an a half.
I just read one of the American exchange girl's blog and it's incredible. I really need to pick up my game instead of reciting what I do on the weekend.

So, updates: I had a crazy ass rash for about 2 weeks, which started a whole rumour that the Upper Arney West bathrooms were unclean. But it was okay, I wasn't contagious! Oli just had an allergic reaction to something at the same time.
It's currently week 6 of second semester and all of my motivation is gone. Like disappeared, into the wind. Never to be seen again.
I was going to be proactive today and get lectures watch after Formal Hall (the formal dinner we have once a week here) but Firefox stopped working. So I got a bit stroppy and tried so hard to fix it. Didn't happen, I'm on Chrome for the moment. I go through phases of anger and like "fuck you, I'll deal with this tomorrow", then realise it's still going to be not working tomorrow and I have to sort out getting all my passwords again because I fail at life and had all my passwords saved.

I just realised I'm supposed to be at a tutorial right now... Mondays are hectic, I have 8 hours uni followed by Formal Hall and now I have a science tutorial afterwards. Although I skipped a lecture to eat chocolate cake in the sun with some friends this morning... How can you turn that down.
I was having a right whinge about Formal Hall last week to Tez, then realised how many first world problems I have: complaining that I have to not look like a bum once a week when I go to dinner so people can wait on me and we can have a nice 3 course meal.
Have I told you about Tez? I'm kind of seeing him. He is more than a tad egocentric, which is usually the biggest turn-off for me, but this guy is actually a very likeable person. Everyone in the hall approves and he's nice and friendly and does charity work and is so proactive.
Ehh, I wish I had motivation to do anything.
I blame Firefox.

The college ball was this Saturday just been. It was nice.

I managed to get sunburnt yesterday sitting around on the foreshore. It was nice, spent many hours drinking and just being social and outside in general.

I am so incredibly keen for The Lion King. There's a whole swag of facebook pages going around and people posting the songs. 10 days and counting. This is making me feel less betrayed by Firefox.

I'll try to do this more often.
That is all.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

BREAK cont.

I'm now cooler than you...

Nothing truly noteworthy, apart from the fact that I should be at Oh Snap tonight, but I'm way too hungover and it's all rainy and thundery. So I'm gonna curl up in bed after I've done this and read.
Oh, I got my results back from first semester. Two high distinctions and two distinctions. Win!
Oh Snap is incredible, been there for the last 4 weeks now. So much fun.
Been watching skins, almost finished all 5 seasons. Cassie is the greatest character ever.

HARRY POTTER! Midnight screening with Hannah. It was a kind of spur of the moment thing. I spent almost two whole days of my life catching up to be ready for it. And then I was like omg Hannah lets go tonight, and got our tickets and everything. I shed a tear at only 2 points.
SPOILER ALERT (although shame on you if you haven't read the book)
When Fred and George are having a conversation before the big battle starts and I'm like :'( they're never gonna talk to each other again...
And then the bit at the end when the theme music came up I was like pfft, they just want you to cry now and refrained from bawling my eyes out.
It's so sad. It's like symbolic of my childhood ending. I was always jealous of Emmette for being the same age as Harry when the first book came out.

I went home on Monday, the parentals got a new car. It's real nice. Our dog Snug is looking quite sickly, and sneezes and coughs a lot. Poor thing, she's ten now.

So that's all I've been doing really. Quite sad. Bioshock is amazing...
Went out last night and hit up the gay bars with Megan from down the hall. Very much fun... Does that even make sense?

argh, that is all...

Monday, July 4, 2011


Till the 1st of August I have nothing to do.
I've finished my Resume and I'll half-heartedly search for a job around.
I went home for a week which was very nice :)
Wandered Bunbury with Allyssa and got drunk on a Monday with Cale.
Just had a relaxing time in general.

I now have Twitter (don't know how to use it) and Tumblr (DO know how to use it)!/JustHarleyRose (I think, I don't know how it works)
Not that you care really.

Not much has been happening, I've rarely left my room.
Oh, I went to Oh Snap on Thursday, I forgot how good it was. But that's been it really.

I've been playing Dragon Age and...omg Bioshock just finished downloading. F yeah!
I finished Fable III. I don't really have any desire to do it again, but be a tyrant instead. It was pretty disappointing overall.

Results come out on July 18th for my units. Hopefully did okay.

Been catching up on my horror movies, watched The Shining and The Loved Ones. Soon to be more.

I'm doing a 21 day challenge. It takes 21 days to break a habit apparently and I'm doing a whole 'not complaining' thing (as I've realized I complain quite a lot).
I haven't really been keeping check, so I thought I'd just start again. Starting tomorrow. So I have to keep those bands on the same wrist for 21 days. Every time I complain I have to switch wrists.

That is all...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Yes it it like 5am and I have been awake for over an hour now.
I went to bed at like 7 last night, like a nanna.
I'm totally okay with that, that means I've got more of today to do things...Like this.

Had my chemistry exam yesterday, it went alright.
Got one tomorrow, then one the day after. And then one on Monday. Still not too stressed, except for economics, ergh. Stupid essays.

The internet is fast this early in the morning.

Have I told you about Tom Milsom? He makes me want to hug kittens. I've been listening to his music for about a week now.
Why can't I find a guy that's musical, shy and relatively attractive.

Oli and I went for another run last Thursday. Ehh, so hard to get fit.

That's about it really. I didn't go outside for 5 days. I was totally okay with that though.

That is all...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

You Hold Me Down

You're the echoes of my everything,
You're the emptiness the whole world sings at night.
You're the laziness of afternoon,
You're the reason why I burst and why I bloom.
You're the leaky sink of sentiment,
You're the failed attempts I never could forget.
Oh dear, Motion City Soundtrack puts me in such a depressed mood. I love it

"Hows life Harley?" you probably aren't asking but I'll inform you anyway.

Exams... First one in one week one day 23 hours and 15 minutes. But who's counting?

No but seriously, I'm not that stressed out. I don't get too stressed out about anything really. Apart from social interactions and when assignments are due the next day that I haven't started. But even then.

Life has been fucking swell...Still. Just come off a four day drinking bender which went from Wednesday to Sunday. So many great memories. So many missing hours of my memory. So many things I've been told which I wish I remember doing. "You're faster than I thought""That's what she said"
Being a veloceraptor and generally not caring what other people thought of us on the d floor.

Studying is going great. I actually am loving chemistry. Maybe I should have done a maths major. I love maths and puzzles and shit like that. Feels good when you spend like half an hour on a question and get it. But equally as frustrating when you don't. Should probably start on another subject soon.

I've decided I like the sound of traffic up here, it's comforting to know you're not alone in the world. At home you can hear the silence and for all I know I could be the last person alive in the world laying in my bed. The sound of ambulances that pass by frequently remind me that no matter how shit my day has been someone is having a worse day and to be thankful I'm actually okay...

Oh, and last Friday Clare and I went to see Frenzal Rhomb. So good. We were right up the front. Like you couldn't be closer and the Doctor kept getting offstage and was playing his epic guitar like 30cm away from my face. He was loving us and came down for a picture afterwards. Clare got the set list and I got his pick. Win!
They were amazing live as well, but some utter dickheads were in the crowd and fucked round getting on stage and shit. Well disappointing.

I went for a run with Oli on Wednesday. It was great, I was actually hell proud of how far we ran. But I'm still a bit sore from it.

Haha, I just realized how much I swear. Do I do this all the time?
Probably should get back to study aka I've run out of things to talk about...

That is all...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Even more of uni life

I went for a run about a month ago with one of my friends. Haven't been since. Thought I might let you know about my one attempt to be fit this year.

Emmette flew in last Saturday and I had lunch with him and the parent and his girlfriend. Met her for the first time. We were all pretty hungover, but it was Friday the 13th beforehand. Lisa is lovely and we have the same taste in liquor which is epic win because Emmette drinks like a girl (both in quality and quantity).

Life is going good, I did 2 and 1/2 hours of chemistry work straight today. Most productive I've been in quite a while. I've been so unmotivated for the last couple of weeks, it's been ridiculous.

Went to the casino for the first time with Emmette and other such friends. It's been decided: I hate gambling. Not because I lost any money, I didn't even play. It's just everyone there looked so empty and lifeless. Like robots almost.

Also, this guy is amazing. I would marry him if I could. He plays 26 instruments.
I'm such a sucker for musicians.

Exams are pretty soon (3 weeks), getting a little stressed, but I should be fine.
That is all...

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Of course I'm not doing my assignments which are due tomorrow.
Writing this is much more important...

What I forgot to tell you last week.

Danisnotonfire replied to me... This is a big thing for me because I've only actually made a Youtube account since I've been up here. Watching Youtube at home was the most frustrating thing ever.

And I had my first bout of homesick-ness last weekend, when everyone was home for Easter and I was at college.

This week!
Group assignment on Tuesday
I went home on Wednesday morning, went shopping in Bunbury, got new boots (so comfy) and Portal 2!!! I haven't played it yet as I told myself I wouldn't until I finished these assignment.
And half price post-easter chocolates. So dangerous.
Came back here on Friday and went to an amazing party hosted by none other than Laura, Hannah and Lauren.

Circus themed, I don't think I've been to a better party hosted by a friend. There were streamers from the ceiling and everything. So much win. Drank too much goon and got carpet burn on my ribs and face. That's what I get for trying to fall asleep. :)
Had the worst hangover in the morning. I think it is actually one of the worst hangovers I've ever had. I don't understand 'cause I didn't even drink that much.
Almost spewed on the bus ride home. I was snuggled up in my sleeping bag with no shoes on, I'm surprised they even let me on the bus really.

I really should get back to my assignments
That is all...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Not so sick anymore


It's mid semester break and I have several assignments to do. So of course I'm doing everything instead of those.

I'm not even sick in the slightest anymore...Touch wood.

My assignments, exams and other such stressful things have kinda dissipated. Organizing this group assignment it pretty balls though. It's worth 30% as well. And another essay to do, but that's only 1000 words. And heaps of lectures to catch up on, but that's it.

Went and saw Sparkadia last weekend. They were mind-blowing. Such great voices. And went out Saturday night just been, which was pretty fun.
Wednesday night was the Battle Of The Bands night. Hannah and Laura came to see me and we played well. Well from what I heard we played well, I couldn't hear anything except for the other guitar. Got quite pissed in celebration and went climbing trees. It's like I'm a child when I drink. I love it.

I got my DS emulator and Pokemon working on it. They're so uncreative with the names. Woobat? Really? Fuck 5th gen pokemon.
But I'm addicted anyway. On my to-do list today is "not play pokemon!'

That is all I guess...

Friday, April 15, 2011



Omg, prosh.

So much fun. I wasn't even going to go as a Zombie Bride, just a normal zombie. But Oli and I went to the op shop and they were so pretty I couldn't help but get one to ruin. It's the first costume I've made that I've actually ever been proud of in my life. I'm totally going as a zombie bride to every dress up party now. Got up at 2 in the morning and somehow spent 3 hours getting ready. Drank myself into quite a state and headed down to the rave at UWA. I don't remember much, except epic dubstep, which was very fun to dance to in a giant dress. And fist-pumping galore. Oli and I lost everyone and went to go get more goon. Went into the city, like St Georges Terrace and started selling some Prosh. Made so much, and everyone was just having a ball and helping out. Some guys that were selling papers near us didn't have a tin so they just put it all in ours. Other people walking by gave us more papers because we were running out. Everyone was generally being very sporting about the whole thing. By about 11 we were done.
Came back for a nap, got fake blood on my sheets.
Then tav time. I was so hungover by this point. And the jug didn't make it better. Came back for dinner, went back to the tav. Was going to go to Cap S but I lost my friend who had my ID and door key card and phone.
So I slept instead. It was probably the best.

Also NIKKI HAS A PLAYSTATION 1. She lives 3 doors down from me. I played Spyro. It made me the happiest person alive. I miss Spyro so much. <3

I have lots to do and it's all catching up on me. Exam on Tuesday, it's not worth much though. Reports and assignments and essays. So I'm procrastinating on here.
City tonight probably.

That is all...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wallowing in my own self pity.

It's getting ridiculous now. Sick for 4 and a half weeks.
And it's not like I'm one of those people who look fine when they're sick, like most people here at the college. I either look like I've just woken up, I want to go to bed or am severely depressed.
I think I'm coming down with a fever, all I want to do is curl up in my bed and feel sorry for myself, but no I have heaps of uni work to do and soccer this afternoon and band practice for battle of the bands. And my toes still haven't healed from Hannah's birthday.
/end rant.

Last Friday me and Oli spent alone, bored, watching movies after drinking at the tav. I didn't even do anything last weekend. I was like nope, gonna stay in. Be good. Get better. That didn't work. My sister, Sri, is back. After five years of being in England she came back for her birthday on Sunday night. Hoorah.
Wednesday I didn't go to Cap S, Clare and I went down to Bunbury to watch the Charming Skeletons play. That's my Kirup friends band. It was great. Saw Sri there. I didn't even drink that much. I was all like 'nope, got to get better.'
Then we went to where we were staying that night and I was going to go to bed early (like 1), but that would have left my friend all alone drinking by himself, so I stayed up all night drinking spirits straight. And I mean all night.

Thursday was one of the hardest days of my life. After no sleep at all I had a lecture, a tutorial (which I didn't go to so I got an hours nap before)a three hour Bio lab.

Now I feel gross and spent yesterday night doing the same thing as last Friday.
Prosh is on Wednesday. I'm debating weather I'll drink or not.
We're having an inter-college Battle Of The Bands in less than 2 weeks. Playing guitar for that. I miss playing with other people, it's great.

That is all...

Thursday, March 31, 2011


The number of times I've been drunkenly swimming in the pool late at night.

I think that's two times too many.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More of University Life

As you can see I fail at taking pics of myself in the mirror. I think that's the first time I've ever done it.
Last week was Human Vs Zombie week. So much fun.
Got well dressed up, survived until the last day when, with three hours to go, someone screamed brains while I was walking to my lecture and about six zombies came at me and took me out on the oval.
On Thursday I was so hungover and it was unimaginably hard to be that tense while feeling so ill.

This week is assassin week in our wing, so I'm still on edge. I think about half the people have died already. It's not too hard to stay alive, cause I don't usually venture out of my room much. But I've been avoiding going out unless I have to.

Also I watched Twilight.
I know, stupid of me. But I always take the piss out of it and I've never seen it, so I thought it was about time to see what all the hype is about. I tried to go into it with an open mind...Tried.
I don't understand why people are friends with Bella. She doesn't try at all. Not in the slightest. And everyone's all like "omg Bella come pick dresses with me," she's like "...yeah. k." Then she goes and fucks off. She doesn't make any effort. It makes me angry. And the guys aren't even attractive.

Hannah's 19th was 'mazing. Mexican food <3. Too much goon tequila and other such liquors made me forget what club we went to. But much dancing followed. And then even more dancing. I have the most epic blisters on the sides of my big toes. Your eyes would melt with pity if you saw them. But my shoes were adorable and made me tower over everyone. So I win and it was totally worth it.


That is all...

Monday, March 21, 2011

University life

Hey guys!

The weeks are flying by, it's week four of uni already.

We had Hawaiian Party at St Cat's two weeks ago, which was pretty good, there were spas and everything. Then played three hours of Basketball on Sunday. Wasn't even planning on playing. I hurt for many days after wards.

Been so incredibly sick the last two weeks, not cool. Just when I thought I was getting better I started getting sick again. That's what you get at college.

If I haven't already informed you guys, I'm doing Conservation Biology and Management and U.W.A. It's a four year course and I'm doing Bio, Environmental Economics, Introductory Chemistry and Earth and Environment as my courses this semester. It's been great doing this course because it's a set course and I don't have to choose my units. Hooray for indecisive me.

Wednesday was our swimming carnival, took my goon down in a water bottle and went to the Tav. afterwards. Drank too much and forgot how I got home. Friday I went to the Inter-College Ball. Was rather indecisive about going (only decided after a jug of cider at the Tav.), but it was really good. What I remember of it anyway. I had the hiccups for about an hour though. I do think I enjoy my alcohol a bit too much. Don't remember how I got home again :)
I've come to realize no secrets can't be kept here at the college. Everyone knows I went swimming in the pool in the early hours of the morning. Even if I don't remember it.

Having a ball up here, uni isn't too stressful.

That is all...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Soundwave Soundwave Soundwave!

Just. Wow.
I have a bruised cheekbone (which I only discovered about half an hour ago), scratched up knees which were bleeding all down my legs, bruises on my arm, knees, hips, ribs, back and feet. I can't move my neck much, my ribs feel like they're not as big as they once were and the under wire of my bra scratched me up so bad. And I had a blood nose there from being hit on the head one too many times.
Totally worth it.
So I saw Silverstein (they were better live than I expected), Less Than Jake, 36 Crazy Fists, Amity Affliction, Bullet For My Valentine, Stone Sour, Primus, Blessthefall, New Found Glory, Pennywise, Queens Of The Stone Age and Iron Maiden.
Somehow managed to get up to the barrier for blessthefall which was fucking crazy. I have no idea how i managed it, but I did. My knees were bleeding everywhere and I probably caught some disease. Touched the lead singer who was jumping off 4 meter stacks of speakers and climbing up the side of the stage and hanging upside down whilst singing.
There were three chicks in front of me while Primus was playing who were saying 'this is boring' and were waiting for 30 Seconds to Mars. Felt like slapping them.
My shoe fell off at the start of New Found Glory so I spent the entire set in the mosh pit with one shoe on. Got up to the barrier again for Pennywise, who were fucking amazing.
And Iron Maiden. What can I say. They were so good, but I haven't listened to their new album, which they played a lot of their stuff from.

So last Saturday I went out. Again. With all the St Cat's girls. It was good but only me and Robyn were out after like one. Went to The Shed, then The Dean (got let straight through to the front, was so good) and then to Connies. Got back at five or so.

First week of uni flew by, haven't learn that much yet, just really revision mainly. Labs/ tutorials are starting this week.
Wednesday night we had a Willy Wonka night, the dining hall was unbelievable.

Friday night I went out with Sam, Hannah and other such people and went out to The Court. Got rather drunk before-hand. Went home pretty early, at like 2 or something. Don't rightly remember.
Then Back To School at The Library Saturday night, which was great. It's a hell good venue, got all dressed up.

So much to catch up on still, cause Monday was a uni day and I was at Soundwave instead.

That is all.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Erin's going away party was fun.

Last weekend I went out to Bunbury on Friday night for the first time. It was okay. Saturday night I finished packing up my shit and left early Sunday morning.

PERTH TIME! I swear I've done more in the last week than I have in the last 7 months, it's been great. I'm staying at St Catherine's all girl college. There was a massive lunch when we got there, and it was all fancy with smoked salmon and mussels and prawns and such.Then we had games and learnt our Fresher dance.
Monday we did a tour of the other colleges after a workout in our 80's aerobic gear.
Tuesday we had a cocktail party and laser tag. Then we had to run up to Kings Park and do all sorts of things at night. It took like 3 hours and was heaps of fun, but I'm still hurting from it.
Wednesday we had an inter-college event with a massive water fight and Dragon Boat racing. Wed night is student night at the local pub so most of us went down there. Didn't get back till about 1, and then they woke us up at 5 with a fire drill and made us do starjumps on the median strip of the main road. Then we went to the foreshore and had breakfast while the sun rose. It was nice.
Thursday I had my orientation for my course and we went to Kings Park and somewhere else. I don't remember I wasn't paying too much attention.
Yesterday was O-day. I went and joined the Napping club (!!!!WIN) and the science club thing. Met up with Sam and went and saw Macbeth that Myra was in. It was really good. Then went out to town which was bucketloads of fun.
Drank 4 pints of 5 seeds and half a bottle of champagne and another 5 seeds before we left, which I thought was a good effort considering I had no dinner. Got back to St Cat's too late for the amazing race, but oh well. I had a good sleep anyway. :)

Town tonight, I'll keep you posted

That is all...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Big Day Out

Oh. My. God
It was incredible, I'm getting excited just thinking about it.
We went up Saturday night (Cale, Reece and I), and stayed at Tez's, but didn't get much sleep. Went out to town and met up with Dan. and stayed out till the not so early hours of the morning, which probably wasn't the best idea. Reece went out in my skinnies. They fitted him better than me :-\
There was a budgie in the same room as the one where we were sleeping, so I got about an hours sleep.

Trekked to The Big Day Out in the morning. Missed the start of the vines and I was so keen I ditched everybody and went their straight away. The singer demolished the drum kit and his guitar and threw it out into the crowd, I almost caught the fret board.
Then we watched Little Red whist waiting for Dead Letter Circus. The singer from Little Red was seriously amazing. Too bad I think he's gay.
Dead Letter Circus went off. We were right up at the rail and I'm pretty sure the guitarist was eyeing me off :D
Then went and watched the Jim Jones Revue, they were hell suave. Then Washington, she's adorable I wanted to take her home. She was drinking Jameson on stage.
Found Sam then and had much fun with Zinc whilst at Die Antwood. They were really cool, the chick sounded like a Japanese girl and they just had a real good stage presence. We then had more fun with zinc and went and saw Angus and Julia Stone, but just sat around for it. :) It was nice.
Then we went to Wait for Tool, whilst John Butler, Iggy and the Stooges and Rammstein played (which was like 3 hours standing in the same place).
John Butler was good, but I've seen him a few times so I wasn't paying too much attention. Iggy Pop. Oh, My, God. We found Poppy and her cousin and it just went off. He got people on stage and he came down to the crowd and he grabbed my hand. It was amazing :D
Rammstein was a whole new level of performance. They had 20 meter flames coming out of their mouths and fireworks and props, but I couldn't really see cause I was surrounded by tall fuckers. Cunts.

Then Tool. Oh my word. I can't describe how excited they made me. And now I've had them stuck in my head for almost a week now. Just. So. Good. They played all the songs I wanted them to and played like 20 minutes over time. They had awesome projections on the backdrop and the drum kit. argh. So good
Then Sam and I sprinted to MIA, and had a good dance to that, almost got on stage with her, just like a minute too late. Then went back to Pratt and Clare's and slept till like 11 the next day.

Came home and I didn't wake up properly till Thursday morning.
Last night I had a dinner in Kirup with about 15 people from Balingup. It's my last full weekend down here before my move up to St Catherine's. Quite excited. Didn't get up to much, just got drunk and played Jenga till about 5 in the morning. Going out again tonight.

That is fucking all...

Saturday, January 29, 2011


So I've had a great time the last week or so. Many fun Kirup times. I'm gonna miss the place when I got to Perth. Which is less than a month away!

Last Thursday Shannon (the WOOFer staying with us), Reece, Cale, Rocco and I went to see Matt Gresham. I forgot how great he is live. He just gets the crowd going.
He said he's maybe coming to Nannup. Hopefully.
Then we went back to Rocco's and went to bed far too late. I watched Pineapple Express, maybe I was just real tired but I thought it was shit. About an hour after going to sleep Reece's alarm went off. And of course, he sleeps like the dead so it went of a few more times before I could manage to wake him. Reece and Rocco got like 2 hours sleep for work the next day. Many lulz ensued.

Friday I went to the hospital due to stabbing pains in my stomach on Wednesday and a high fever. But it was only Donnybrook so after 3 and a half hours I finally saw a doctor who basically said "I don't know what's wrong with you. Have some antibiotics."
:-\ Fucking Donnybrook hospital.

Saturday, instead of the much organizing and effort needed to go to Perth (and cause I was sick the day before) I went to Kirup for Dylan's 20th. Caught up with everyone, haven't seen most of them since last year. Didn't get much sleep again. Then spent the next day sitting round and talking about nothing really. Sexbox's, being cupboard queer and many other random things. Then watched Get Him To The Greek. But Dylan was playing his new banjo so I didn't catch a fair bit of it.

Wednesday was Australia Day. Hooray! More drinking and Triple J's hottest 100 (My number one was the number one (Angus and Julia Stone- Big Jet Plane) I WIN!)and cricket which crippled me for the next two days. I'm so unfit. Was out by about 9 in the evening.

A couple of nights ago I had a really vivid and scary dream. We were in Kirup and one of my mates went off to burn some shit, as he does. There was lots of smoke so a friend and I went up the street to investigate. Everyone in the street were pretty worried and wandering down to that end of town. Then the military turned up and I turned into a middle aged man. They surrounded a building and made me go inside for some reason. I dragged out an unconscious couple and child, but after I pulled out the last one these Satanist rednecks had snuck up on all these military folk and were slaughtering them. Like the guy next to me was slowly being decapitated and strangled at the same time by wire around his throat. So I piss bolted down the road and they were chasing after me.
Which is when I forced myself to wake up, and didn't want to go back to sleep.
But I did eventually and now it was undead Satanist rednecks, but they weren't chasing after me anymore. I was back in the house that was surrounded beforehand and made my way down town. A friendly cop and I stole a car and passed these weird checkpoints and then all the military were after us for some reason. The rest is pretty vague, but that first part was so vivid.
Dream tell you all your subliminal problems apparently, I wonder what this is telling me.

This weekend in a quiet one. The Orphanage is on tonight.
Finished weeds ages ago.
Big Day Out in a week!!!
That is all really...

Friday, January 14, 2011


I forgot to tell you what I achieved last year.
Taught my niece how to read.
Attended Soundwave.
Attended the Nannup Music Festival.
Got a job.
Turned 18

That was it really, not a very memorable year.

"Imagine if our last name was Drew. Nancy Drew, Andrew Drew"
I have watched four seasons of Weeds now.

That is all...

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year

"WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO THIS YEAR?" you probably haven't been thinking, but I'll tell you anyway

New years was okay. I didn't go up to Perth, nor to the beach but got pissed in Kirup.
I wish I stayed up past 2, as Reece got glad-wrapped to a car and other such things, but I didn't.
I woke up at 9, had a spew, cut a tie-thingo off my ankle, had a Panadol and went back to sleep till 1:30.
Not the best start to the new year.

New years resolutions: Not put an effort into people who don't put an effort into me.
Try to be more outgoing and friendly.
Put on some weight.

The weekend just been I went out clubbing for the first time. It was okay. Probably needed some drugs and there weren't as many people as I expected.

Two seasons of 'Weeds' down (in two days), four to go. I'm a bit hooked.
And that's been my life.

That is all...