Thursday, May 13, 2010

Home sweet home...

After five hours on planes, $30 in taxi rides, about two hours of sitting around waiting, a three hour bus ride and an hour and a half in a car I'm home. And gee whiz, it's cold.
I'm currently wearing a jacket and a scarf and fingerless gloves and socks inside.
It was 13 degrees when we landed in Perth at ten. 13! Air conditioners can't even pump out a temperature that cold.
And then I had to wait around at the bus station for about an hour and a half, but I got made to stand outside in my short shorts and thongs for half an hour while they did a freaking fire drill. Harley wasn't pleased. I couldn't even go back in to get some pants from my bags.

My screen looks very square and my keyboard very chunky after being away and using Mac/laptops for so long.
My bed last night. Oh God. It was heavenly.

My list of things to do today.
Clean room, sort out my computer a bit, call the packing shed for a job when I get back :|(check), do a resume, call centrelink to tell them I'm away (check), unpack (check), repack, clean out the granny flat type arrangement and such, pick up Allyssa, do my hair, party.

No time for guitar I don't think. :(

I'll tell you about my trip to Sri Lanka when I get back. I'll make sure I remember the good stuff.

That is all...

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