Saturday, May 8, 2010

The weekend

Someone litrally lit a fire across the road just then. When I looked out the window all I saw was a three year old walking away.
What. The. Fuck.

Anyways. It's the end of the wet season up here so everyone gets to light fires where ever they feel like it. But they know their shit. Like when we were going out to Kuy(prnounced KOY, like the giant fish) The local guy we were going with just told us to stop and hopped out, lit up the bush and jumped back in. When we came back like 4 hours later it had burnt a fair bit of grass but hadn't got out of hand at all.

So anyway, trip out to Kuy. It was so beautiful out there, bright blue water, white beach. Four buildings there, including the little school where my sisters friend, Brea, works at. Then we went and got digeridoos and wood for womera and fire sticks. We were starving by the time we got back.

Happy mother's day. My mother is awesome, not even joking. She was a wild child when she was traveling the world in a bus. :)

Bad red wine = medicine, apparently. Cleared my throat up, made everything else worse. I also clogged up the sink with my dinner.

That is all...

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