Monday, May 10, 2010

The last few days have been pretty awesome to say the least.

Sunday evening we went to the beach and had dinner there. Which was very nice. There were dolphins and a nice sunset. It was very pretty. Then back home Brea, Dean, my sister and I got rather drunk and sat around talking about not much till 4 in the morning. Brea went to bed earlier as she had to be at work at 7:30.

It was very fun. We went through another 4 bottles or Hurley Rosé (named after my poor effort of drinking on Friday night) and the rest of the gin and beers in the house. Then I was up till 5 playing facebook games.

I woke up at 10:30 still tipsy and found out that Ochre was sick. So we cancelled school for the day (and which point she livened up a great deal). We did a little bit of school which is when my hangover kicked in. Slept. Then in the afternoon Dean took me out for a spin in his little Jeep. It's so cute. Two doors (if you can call it that... It's just the door frames), no roof, a little tray, an 8 ball for the gearstick knob and the gears kept on falling out of place when we went over really bumpy bits. Almost got bogged. Went to this beautiful rock pool place with lots of hermit crabs and a freaking underwater spider!
It's the first bit of driving I've done since I've been up here (apart from the occasional drive down the road). Can't wait to get my lisence.

Today they had a big ceremony for this book that has been compiled of all the bush tucker you can eat around here. It's an amazing acheivement.

That is all...

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