Thursday, May 13, 2010

Home sweet home...

After five hours on planes, $30 in taxi rides, about two hours of sitting around waiting, a three hour bus ride and an hour and a half in a car I'm home. And gee whiz, it's cold.
I'm currently wearing a jacket and a scarf and fingerless gloves and socks inside.
It was 13 degrees when we landed in Perth at ten. 13! Air conditioners can't even pump out a temperature that cold.
And then I had to wait around at the bus station for about an hour and a half, but I got made to stand outside in my short shorts and thongs for half an hour while they did a freaking fire drill. Harley wasn't pleased. I couldn't even go back in to get some pants from my bags.

My screen looks very square and my keyboard very chunky after being away and using Mac/laptops for so long.
My bed last night. Oh God. It was heavenly.

My list of things to do today.
Clean room, sort out my computer a bit, call the packing shed for a job when I get back :|(check), do a resume, call centrelink to tell them I'm away (check), unpack (check), repack, clean out the granny flat type arrangement and such, pick up Allyssa, do my hair, party.

No time for guitar I don't think. :(

I'll tell you about my trip to Sri Lanka when I get back. I'll make sure I remember the good stuff.

That is all...

Monday, May 10, 2010

The last few days have been pretty awesome to say the least.

Sunday evening we went to the beach and had dinner there. Which was very nice. There were dolphins and a nice sunset. It was very pretty. Then back home Brea, Dean, my sister and I got rather drunk and sat around talking about not much till 4 in the morning. Brea went to bed earlier as she had to be at work at 7:30.

It was very fun. We went through another 4 bottles or Hurley Rosé (named after my poor effort of drinking on Friday night) and the rest of the gin and beers in the house. Then I was up till 5 playing facebook games.

I woke up at 10:30 still tipsy and found out that Ochre was sick. So we cancelled school for the day (and which point she livened up a great deal). We did a little bit of school which is when my hangover kicked in. Slept. Then in the afternoon Dean took me out for a spin in his little Jeep. It's so cute. Two doors (if you can call it that... It's just the door frames), no roof, a little tray, an 8 ball for the gearstick knob and the gears kept on falling out of place when we went over really bumpy bits. Almost got bogged. Went to this beautiful rock pool place with lots of hermit crabs and a freaking underwater spider!
It's the first bit of driving I've done since I've been up here (apart from the occasional drive down the road). Can't wait to get my lisence.

Today they had a big ceremony for this book that has been compiled of all the bush tucker you can eat around here. It's an amazing acheivement.

That is all...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The weekend

Someone litrally lit a fire across the road just then. When I looked out the window all I saw was a three year old walking away.
What. The. Fuck.

Anyways. It's the end of the wet season up here so everyone gets to light fires where ever they feel like it. But they know their shit. Like when we were going out to Kuy(prnounced KOY, like the giant fish) The local guy we were going with just told us to stop and hopped out, lit up the bush and jumped back in. When we came back like 4 hours later it had burnt a fair bit of grass but hadn't got out of hand at all.

So anyway, trip out to Kuy. It was so beautiful out there, bright blue water, white beach. Four buildings there, including the little school where my sisters friend, Brea, works at. Then we went and got digeridoos and wood for womera and fire sticks. We were starving by the time we got back.

Happy mother's day. My mother is awesome, not even joking. She was a wild child when she was traveling the world in a bus. :)

Bad red wine = medicine, apparently. Cleared my throat up, made everything else worse. I also clogged up the sink with my dinner.

That is all...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The past few days.

Well, the last night of my house sitting ordeal I stayed up to 3 30 watching horror movies. I was going to stay up all night but then I wondered when I would brush my teeth or have a shower or clean up the place. Quite baffling. So I thought I'd get 3 hours sleep so I would have some way of knowing when to do these things.

Anyway, horror movies. First it was 'Mirrors', which was pretty awesome. Then 'Underworld: Rise of the Lycans'. I'm wondering if the same girl from the other movies plays the chick in this. They don't look exactly the same but they're like twins. Hmmm.
Shit nigger, I just looked it up and they are different people. Kate Beckinsale and Rhona Mitra.
Anywho, whilst watching this movie, there was a jingling from the bedroom. It scared the hell out of me but, like in any good horror movie I went and investigated. Nothing was there, so I looked behind the curtain and outside there was...nothing.
So I hopped off the bed and then I saw this GIANT rat. Like seriously 30 cms long. Just crawling around, as you do if you're a rat.
So I was like "Phew...back to the movie."
Then I watched 'Never Cry Werewolf', which was pretty good too. There was some chick running round in a bra trying to kill her neighbour with forks. When I was watching this the giant rat decided to explore the lounge room. So it was crawling on the curtains and blocking my view of the T.V. (it really was, it hopped up on two legs and had a sniff of the screen). Then it squeezed itself under the door. That house has a rat problem.
Moving on...Then there was 'Funny Games', which was amazing to say the least. Very disturbing but I would love to see it again.

My last Thursday here; wow.
Having a party when I get back, just asked mum then and was thinking 'please say yes please say yes please say yes' 'cause I've basically already organised it and such. She said probably, 'cause they have to be up at five.

I hope my external hard drive gets here before I leave so I can tax all my sisters music and movies.

That is all...

Saturday, May 1, 2010


So last weekend as you could probably gather from the pictures, I was on a boat, catching fish and shit.
I must say, I dominate fishing.
I caught 6 fish in like half an hour. Two queen fish, a rock cod, a mangrove jack (which was rather delicious) and two fingermark snappers.
Long weekend so we had Monday off school and such.

I've been house sitting someones house. Someone with pay tv. =D
Watched Friday the 13th on Friday by myself, which was a little scarier than it should have been. Mmm Jared Padalecki.

Does angry music calm everybody down or is it just me?
I've been listening to not much else since I've been up here, due to the stress of the kids. From First To Last, From Autumn To Ashes and such. If I'm ever pissed off I'll just put them on and it chills me out.

I want a nice blender for my 18th. Someone get me a nice blender please.

That is all...