Thursday, March 31, 2011


The number of times I've been drunkenly swimming in the pool late at night.

I think that's two times too many.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More of University Life

As you can see I fail at taking pics of myself in the mirror. I think that's the first time I've ever done it.
Last week was Human Vs Zombie week. So much fun.
Got well dressed up, survived until the last day when, with three hours to go, someone screamed brains while I was walking to my lecture and about six zombies came at me and took me out on the oval.
On Thursday I was so hungover and it was unimaginably hard to be that tense while feeling so ill.

This week is assassin week in our wing, so I'm still on edge. I think about half the people have died already. It's not too hard to stay alive, cause I don't usually venture out of my room much. But I've been avoiding going out unless I have to.

Also I watched Twilight.
I know, stupid of me. But I always take the piss out of it and I've never seen it, so I thought it was about time to see what all the hype is about. I tried to go into it with an open mind...Tried.
I don't understand why people are friends with Bella. She doesn't try at all. Not in the slightest. And everyone's all like "omg Bella come pick dresses with me," she's like "...yeah. k." Then she goes and fucks off. She doesn't make any effort. It makes me angry. And the guys aren't even attractive.

Hannah's 19th was 'mazing. Mexican food <3. Too much goon tequila and other such liquors made me forget what club we went to. But much dancing followed. And then even more dancing. I have the most epic blisters on the sides of my big toes. Your eyes would melt with pity if you saw them. But my shoes were adorable and made me tower over everyone. So I win and it was totally worth it.


That is all...

Monday, March 21, 2011

University life

Hey guys!

The weeks are flying by, it's week four of uni already.

We had Hawaiian Party at St Cat's two weeks ago, which was pretty good, there were spas and everything. Then played three hours of Basketball on Sunday. Wasn't even planning on playing. I hurt for many days after wards.

Been so incredibly sick the last two weeks, not cool. Just when I thought I was getting better I started getting sick again. That's what you get at college.

If I haven't already informed you guys, I'm doing Conservation Biology and Management and U.W.A. It's a four year course and I'm doing Bio, Environmental Economics, Introductory Chemistry and Earth and Environment as my courses this semester. It's been great doing this course because it's a set course and I don't have to choose my units. Hooray for indecisive me.

Wednesday was our swimming carnival, took my goon down in a water bottle and went to the Tav. afterwards. Drank too much and forgot how I got home. Friday I went to the Inter-College Ball. Was rather indecisive about going (only decided after a jug of cider at the Tav.), but it was really good. What I remember of it anyway. I had the hiccups for about an hour though. I do think I enjoy my alcohol a bit too much. Don't remember how I got home again :)
I've come to realize no secrets can't be kept here at the college. Everyone knows I went swimming in the pool in the early hours of the morning. Even if I don't remember it.

Having a ball up here, uni isn't too stressful.

That is all...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Soundwave Soundwave Soundwave!

Just. Wow.
I have a bruised cheekbone (which I only discovered about half an hour ago), scratched up knees which were bleeding all down my legs, bruises on my arm, knees, hips, ribs, back and feet. I can't move my neck much, my ribs feel like they're not as big as they once were and the under wire of my bra scratched me up so bad. And I had a blood nose there from being hit on the head one too many times.
Totally worth it.
So I saw Silverstein (they were better live than I expected), Less Than Jake, 36 Crazy Fists, Amity Affliction, Bullet For My Valentine, Stone Sour, Primus, Blessthefall, New Found Glory, Pennywise, Queens Of The Stone Age and Iron Maiden.
Somehow managed to get up to the barrier for blessthefall which was fucking crazy. I have no idea how i managed it, but I did. My knees were bleeding everywhere and I probably caught some disease. Touched the lead singer who was jumping off 4 meter stacks of speakers and climbing up the side of the stage and hanging upside down whilst singing.
There were three chicks in front of me while Primus was playing who were saying 'this is boring' and were waiting for 30 Seconds to Mars. Felt like slapping them.
My shoe fell off at the start of New Found Glory so I spent the entire set in the mosh pit with one shoe on. Got up to the barrier again for Pennywise, who were fucking amazing.
And Iron Maiden. What can I say. They were so good, but I haven't listened to their new album, which they played a lot of their stuff from.

So last Saturday I went out. Again. With all the St Cat's girls. It was good but only me and Robyn were out after like one. Went to The Shed, then The Dean (got let straight through to the front, was so good) and then to Connies. Got back at five or so.

First week of uni flew by, haven't learn that much yet, just really revision mainly. Labs/ tutorials are starting this week.
Wednesday night we had a Willy Wonka night, the dining hall was unbelievable.

Friday night I went out with Sam, Hannah and other such people and went out to The Court. Got rather drunk before-hand. Went home pretty early, at like 2 or something. Don't rightly remember.
Then Back To School at The Library Saturday night, which was great. It's a hell good venue, got all dressed up.

So much to catch up on still, cause Monday was a uni day and I was at Soundwave instead.

That is all.