Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I feel like I'm going round in circles. I haven't done anything mildly interesting in the last three and a half months. I'm supposed to be out exploring in my gap year, but I'm stuck here.
Sorry my life is so boring whoever's reading this.

Oh well.

Last weekend I got Saturday off and ended up going up to Spaniards place for his 20th Friday night. First time I've ever spewed on someones floor. I felt so bad. :(
Quite hungover on Saturday, just hung out at Laura's, watched Silent Hill and spent like 2 hours laughing at funny videos on youtube. Like a dog that can say batman and kittens fighting and news reportes getting taken out by horses.

I'm not even that scared of driving anymore, which is a relief. Except for parking in the city...Fuck that.
The weekend just been was pretty boring. Donnybrook Friday night and I watched Paranormal Activity. Not as scary as people made it out to be.
Centrelink has been fucking with me. Still have to go to stupid interviews and such.
St Cat's interviews next Thursday :D

Sorry I'm not interesting.
That is all.

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