Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sri Lanka


So on the 15th (May) we went up to Perth and I got, like, one hours' sleep that night; was up watching Sherlock Holmes and then off to the airport at 3. Can't sleep on planes which sucks balls, so I read a whole book on the 5 and a half hour flight to Kuala Lumpar.

Got into KL at 12:30 and it was 32 degrees. Finally a bit of warmth. Went to a hotel and slept and then ate and then slept some more. Another 3 am wake up and left at 6:15 to Sri Lanka.

Got there at 7:15 (2.5 hour time difference) and its all stormy and shit. They wouldn't unload our luggage for 2 hours because of lightning and shit. It was ridiculous. It had been raining since the night before and would continue to rain so hard for the next week and a half that everywhere was flooded and you needed to take a boat from the plane to the airport terminal.

After getting our luggage, we were almost trapped and there was only one road out of the place that wasn't flooded. So of course it was just one big traffic jam. Drove for like 10 hours straight down to the house where my brother's wife-to-be lived.
Met all the family. Half of them can't speak English at all.
Went shopping the next day and got a $10 pair of jeans and a $7 pair of shoes. My left foot is one size bigger than my right.
The next day (19th) made heaps of boxes for the wedding cake to go into. It took, like, 2 hours.

And the wedding on the 20th. Everything has to take place at specific times and shit. Some Buddist tradition. The ceremony had to start at 9:57 exactly. They spent so long taking photos. Like more time doing that than anything else. They also had to get changed 3 times. Lots of food and beer. Yay. Then all the guys started dancing like no one was watching. Guys that can dance are sexy.

Went and found some cosy little cabanas by the beach and stayed there for a couple of nights. They had a little midget/dwarf (kind of but not really. He was about the height of a 9 year old) guy and I wanted to take him home.
We trekked up a giant rock with, like, a gazillion steps on the 24th. And the view wasn't even that great. Then we went to a blowhole and it went up like 20 metres into the sky. Then we went to a giant (8 story) Buddah and such. We had delicious pizza for dinner.

Wesak is like the Buddist Christmas and was on on the 27th and 28th. You can't drive anywhere without being stopped and fed. We went on a car trip 4kms down the road and we got stopped 5 times. They just walk onto the road and stop you. It's nice. Everyone giving so much when some of them don't have much to give.
We went back up north on the 30th and I spent 5 hours trying to go to sleep. Stupid car. There were pretty lights still up everywhere. We went shopping and such before going up to Puttalam to visit my dad's cousin and his family. Everyone is so friendly up there. <3

Had a 3am wake up call once again on the 2nd and flew out to Kuala Lumpar. Then spent 12 hours at the airport there before the 5 and a half hour flight home. There was no place to sleep at the airport at all. The seats all had fooking armrests between them so I couldn't lay down. Befriended an Englishman who couldn't sleep on planes either. English people are far superior because of their awesome accents.
After 28 hours awake I faceplanted the couch at a friends house in Perth.

Last weekend was Tony's 18th which I don't remember much of. Josh and I raped the Jukebox. There is a burn on my shoe.

This weekend everyone went round Poppy's for her birthday. I don't remember much of that either.

Binge drinking is bad.
I don't want a blender anymore.

That is all...

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