Monday, April 26, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Obsessive. Compulsive. Disorder.
Is what I think I have.
I have a new found obsession with order, that has been going on for the last couple weeks.
I used to have weird quirks, like hanging out the washing in order using matching pegs, but now it's kind of got out of hand.
For example I tore all the books off Ochres (7 year old neice) bookshelf and rearranged them in order of size, which only took about three days.
On the bright side, I have amazing hygeine now.

My slight insomnia gives me lots of time to think about how I'm going to re-arrange my room when I get back.
Every pencil on little Ochres desk is always sharp. I spent like an hour sharpening them all and got an epic blister on my finger.

The rest of the week has been boring.

That is all...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today I went to a funeral.
It was a haunting experience.
It was held in a church and the wailing of sisters and daughters of this woman echoed throughout the room. I almost cried.
We took the sister out fishing this afternoon, as she is close friends with my sister and such. Didn't catch a thing.

That is all.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Yes well...

We went camping on Saturday afternoon, and spent the whole day getting ready only to get there after dark.

The mosquitos were horrible, still have bites all over my elbows and feet.

We cooked the meat again cause it was still bleeding in the middle. And roasted marshmellows. :) yay.

Clayver told us stories of huge crocodiles and how one chased him up a tree and waited for him for hours underneath it.

On Sunday we woke up so early, like seven. :| Wasn't impressed. We went and caught bait at the beach, saw a freaking sea snake. There was heaps of little hermit crabs out and about. I want a hermit crab almost as much as I want a cow.

We than packed up all our things and went to some croc infested river to fish.

I caught a giagantor catfish and then, just as I threw the line in again, almost caught a barramundi. It was a metre away from the shore and the line snapped and it was all like *flips into air*. It was huge!

We went hunting for didgeridoos on the way back

Monday was back to school for the N.T., so of course Ochre pulled a sicky. But by one O'clock she was sick of not eating and moping around so we did some work.

Is it normal for my two year old neice to be able to spell and almost write her name as well as count up to thirty (but always misses 25) and can recite the alphabet? I don't know, I don't usually associate with children.

I'm not sure if I'm so against having a kid anymore. I want to have one just to see how awesome I can make it.

Little things really piss me off, does this happen to everyone?
I cannot stand dripping taps. Like not oh I hear a tap dripping, wow that's annoying. It's like argh I have to fix that or leave the room. And the sound the bath makes when it's draining and a bit of air gets into it and it's all like INSANLY LOUD SUCKING SLURPING NOISE. I have to sit in the bath and stop the little whirlwind of air reaching the plughole.

That's all I guess.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I has been an eventful week or so, and since I'm in the middle of nowhere, I can't really tell everyone about it, so I thought I'd start a blog.

We went into Darwin on Sunday and since the road is all up and flooded we had to fly in this tiny plane. 14 seats, including the pilots. Pretty terrifying.

We tested out furniture and all that jazz for the sister's new house. Then to celebrate we got drunk and watched poker (because we're all addicted to online poker and there was no internet there) and Spongebob Squarepants in the hotel. The T.V. was longer than me.

Went out on Tuesday night to some restraunt/bar which had a really cool contraption for absenth. But we would have had to wait like an hour for it, by which time we'd run out of money.

On the plane trip back ( the plane was a bigger one this time, 20 seats) we flew through a tropical storm. Not very fun. Saw lightning and couldn't see out the window most of the time due to all the clouds. And then, when we were landing this huge shower came in so we went back up again. And when we were landing again there was another huge shower and I thought we were going to skid off the runway and die. But we didn't. Hooray

My sleeplessness has continued, with it taking me about 2 hours to get to sleep. So many a late night, which I don't mind so much, it's just waking up to screaming children at 7 in the morning after 3 hours sleep which dampens my day.

It's currently school holidays, so I'm not teaching my neice (yay). She doesn't like Dr Suess, which is very stange. Maybe she's not really human.

I'm also single now. Not sure how I feel about that.

I have a new guilty pleasure too. Hot british guys' video blogs. Don't be too dissapointed in me, they're funny and have awesome accents and talk really fast. Don't judge me! Lyssa will know what I mean.

Well... That is all.