Monday, September 26, 2011

Mid-sem break

Today has been my first chance to relax since semester started really.
I rearranged my room to fit in the fridge Tez picked up for me, napped, went for a stroll.

My week has been hectic to say the least. Went out Wednesday night after a long day of drinking, ran into one of my friends I haven't seen or talked to for five year who was singing there and drank way too much. I got a text at one in the morning saying how lovely it was to meet me etc etc from a guy I had no memory of talking to or getting a number off.
Thursday we hit up Oh Snap, I remained sober as I had an assignment due the next day which I had hardly started and when we got back at like two I wasn't tired at all! Win, got my game back. I've been so tired the last few weeks, it's been horrible. Sleeping at every chance I get. So I was up until about 3:30 doing that and finished it off in the morning.
Friday night was Tav times, so I was incredibly drunk before 6, and we went parkour-ing round UWA with my uni friends and Tez.
Saturday I went out to see my sister, who is now living back in Perth after about 6 years in England. It was an early night.
Sorry, sounds like I back to just reciting drunken times.

I'm off to drink cask wine and watch Titanic.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Oh dear, it's been almost a month an a half.
I just read one of the American exchange girl's blog and it's incredible. I really need to pick up my game instead of reciting what I do on the weekend.

So, updates: I had a crazy ass rash for about 2 weeks, which started a whole rumour that the Upper Arney West bathrooms were unclean. But it was okay, I wasn't contagious! Oli just had an allergic reaction to something at the same time.
It's currently week 6 of second semester and all of my motivation is gone. Like disappeared, into the wind. Never to be seen again.
I was going to be proactive today and get lectures watch after Formal Hall (the formal dinner we have once a week here) but Firefox stopped working. So I got a bit stroppy and tried so hard to fix it. Didn't happen, I'm on Chrome for the moment. I go through phases of anger and like "fuck you, I'll deal with this tomorrow", then realise it's still going to be not working tomorrow and I have to sort out getting all my passwords again because I fail at life and had all my passwords saved.

I just realised I'm supposed to be at a tutorial right now... Mondays are hectic, I have 8 hours uni followed by Formal Hall and now I have a science tutorial afterwards. Although I skipped a lecture to eat chocolate cake in the sun with some friends this morning... How can you turn that down.
I was having a right whinge about Formal Hall last week to Tez, then realised how many first world problems I have: complaining that I have to not look like a bum once a week when I go to dinner so people can wait on me and we can have a nice 3 course meal.
Have I told you about Tez? I'm kind of seeing him. He is more than a tad egocentric, which is usually the biggest turn-off for me, but this guy is actually a very likeable person. Everyone in the hall approves and he's nice and friendly and does charity work and is so proactive.
Ehh, I wish I had motivation to do anything.
I blame Firefox.

The college ball was this Saturday just been. It was nice.

I managed to get sunburnt yesterday sitting around on the foreshore. It was nice, spent many hours drinking and just being social and outside in general.

I am so incredibly keen for The Lion King. There's a whole swag of facebook pages going around and people posting the songs. 10 days and counting. This is making me feel less betrayed by Firefox.

I'll try to do this more often.
That is all.