Monday, May 23, 2011

Even more of uni life

I went for a run about a month ago with one of my friends. Haven't been since. Thought I might let you know about my one attempt to be fit this year.

Emmette flew in last Saturday and I had lunch with him and the parent and his girlfriend. Met her for the first time. We were all pretty hungover, but it was Friday the 13th beforehand. Lisa is lovely and we have the same taste in liquor which is epic win because Emmette drinks like a girl (both in quality and quantity).

Life is going good, I did 2 and 1/2 hours of chemistry work straight today. Most productive I've been in quite a while. I've been so unmotivated for the last couple of weeks, it's been ridiculous.

Went to the casino for the first time with Emmette and other such friends. It's been decided: I hate gambling. Not because I lost any money, I didn't even play. It's just everyone there looked so empty and lifeless. Like robots almost.

Also, this guy is amazing. I would marry him if I could. He plays 26 instruments.
I'm such a sucker for musicians.

Exams are pretty soon (3 weeks), getting a little stressed, but I should be fine.
That is all...