Thursday, August 26, 2010

I was all sick again last week, and went to the doctors and it turns out my tonsils were stopping me getting rheumatic fever, which is quite serious. Hooray for tonsils!

The Medieval Carnivale is on this weekend in the small town of Balingup. I shall be working in a purple tunic... :|
I think they're not paying me proper, I should get paid more for weekends. Or else! 'Cause I get just above the minimum wage to begin with. Stupid money.

Centrelink is retarded. They gave me a disablility pension form instead of a form for the doctor to fill in.
And other such things that are too boring and stupid to discuss.

Pratty's 21st. I'm hell amped...

Penguins are pretty cool ay.

That is all...

Monday, August 16, 2010


Well, what have I done in the past couple of weeks?
I've been being an adult and buying petrol and driving places and working.
I think I drank too much brown Vok, cause I was feeling sick on Sunday. Not hungover but coming down with something. Every time I said it tastes like a chocolate milkshake everyone always said only crunchy, which didn't even make sense 'cause it wasn't crunchy. It was just like a chocolate milkshake, only alcoholic.
I went to the doctors again on Tuesday after being all sick on Monday and off work. I got tonsilitis, which I was not happy with and got put on more antibiotics, which I was not happy with at all.

Last weekend I only went out Friday night, Friday the 13th. Sam was having a party so after me getting free lemonade at the pub we went there. I saw Hannah and Sam, who I haven't seen since I wasn't sick, like a month and a half ago.
Got drunk off a six pack :D Hooray for antibiotics! I can get drunk cheaply when I'm on them.

Crabman off 'My Name Is Earl' is the sexiest black man alive. I've been watching 'My Name Is Earl' constanly for the last few weeks

That is all...